Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bodhisattva Christs

I've decided to gather all the interesting images that arise from the depths of Google when you search for things like "Bodhisattva Jesus" and "Jesus Buddha" and silly things like this. I try to attribute authorship where I can.

Jesus Was a Buddha by Ann Huey

Siddhartha and Jesus by Don Mak

This one has a certain squashy charm.

I wasn't able to find the authors of the following works:

This last piece (painter unknown) is actually John the Baptist being beheaded, but I love the way the artist captured a real sense of resignation in the face of imminent death. What could bring a man to such a state?

1 comment:

  1. http://sudarishi.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/light-of-divinity/
